St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church has established a Memorial Fund where gifts may be given to the Glory of God in memory of relatives and friends. Anyone wishing to donate is welcome to do so. Special “In Memory” folders are available on the table in the narthex, at the Welcome Center in the gathering space or by download click here. Gifts can also be given electronically on the church website by selecting Giving & Fees in the main menu bar.
Another method is through a donation placed in the offering plate or mailed to the church office at 4 Elizabeth Avenue, Esko, MN 55733. Be sure to mark your envelope "In Memory of _______________", and please provide your name, address and phone number so that your gift can be properly acknowledged.
The Memorial Committee has on-going projects that you can select, or you can give to an “undesignated” memorial. Gifts in the undesignated fund will be applied to any of the special projects as deemed by the committee. Some on-going projects include: Worship Improvement Fund, Building Fund for Capital Improvements, Choir Music, etc.
Please call the church office at (218) 879-3510 or speak to a member of the Memorial Committee if you need additional information about a memorial gift.
St. Matthews sincerely thanks each person who honors and remembers a loved one or friend with a gift to the Memorial Fund.
Memorial Committee: